Pagination on automation listing page


The pagination on the automation listing page is a process of adding page numbers for all the listed automation. It helps you to get all the automation in a systematic manner. This process helps you to sort a large amount of data related to the automation.


Pagination on the automation listing page is a simple navigation method that allows you to split a huge amount of automation content within the Sapper automation page into smaller parts. It is simply a process of providing the page number for all the listed automation. In Sapper, you will get a default pagination feature that is initialized with previous, page numbers and next buttons. To get detailed and systematic information related to automation, pagination is a priority need. Sapper uses a simple pagination process for listing all the automation.


  • Systematic view for all the automation

  • Easy navigation of the pages

  • View to the previous and next page

  • Allow you to select the page limit

Core features

  • Individual page: Pagination of the listing page allow you to get an individual page for all the automation.

  • Multiple pages: You will get the option for multiple pages in the automation page.

  • Allow to select page: Pagination of the listing page helps you to select the particular page by selecting it from the list.

How to use pagination on the automation listing page?

  1. Click on the automation tab from the “Sapper home page”.

2. Now scroll down and you will get the page number for all the listing pages.

3. You can choose the required page number from the list. Also you will get the details for all the listing page number.

For example:

If you click on page number 2, you will be able to get the starting and ending number of the listing automation. Also you will get the information for the entire pages. Showing 11 to 19 of 779 entries

4. You will also get the option for previous and next button. You can


5. You will also get the drop down box for selecting the number of page content. Here you will get the option for choosing the number of automation content list for the particular page. Sapper provide you the option for selecting page list from 10, 25 and 50.

6. You can choose to go to the first and last page of the listing automation by clicking on the (<<) and(>>) option, to view the next and previous page you need to click on this option (<) and (>) based on your requirement.