S3 Writer


S3 stands for Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). It is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. You can use Amazon S3 writer to write-type snap that can read a binary data stream from its input view and writes it to an S3 file destination.



S3 File Writer is a write-type snap that reads a binary data stream from its input view and writes it to an S3 file destination. If you provide values for file permissions, snap sets the permissions to the file. 

This kind of snap allows you to use an MD5 checksum, which can automatically check the data integrity for the uploaded file. S3 will fail to store the objects and will create a display error if the checksum is not matched with the uploaded snap value generated by Amazon S3.

The MD5 is a cryptographic hash function, that is used to convert a variable-length string into a 32-character string that is a text representation of the hexadecimal value of a 128-bit checksum.

Steps to configure

  1. Drag and drop the S3 writer task in the automation and click on it. The below form will appear on the right side of the screen.

  2. Provide the connection from the drop-down list. It can be done by using https://sappersoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SD/pages/63602585 template or use the pre-defined connection.

  3. Select the existing connection that has been created for the S3 source or create a new one from the plus button and the below form will appear on the screen.

  4. Now select the application from the drop-down list.

  5. In the connection type select S3.

  6. Provide an appropriate name and description for the connection.

  7. Mention an Access key. An access key is used to sign the requests you send to Amazon S3. Like the username/password pair you use to access your AWS Management Console, Access Key Id and Secret Access Key are used for programmatic (API) access to AWS services. You can manage your Access Keys in AWS Management Console.

  8. Provide a Secret Access Key. It is a secret like your password. This key is used for your security, AWS doesn’t reveal your password to you if you forgot it (you’d have to set a new password). Similarly, AWS does not allow the retrieval of a secret access key after its initial creation. This applies to both root secret access keys and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user secret access keys.

  9. If the connection is already created then you need to select S3 from the connection dropdown.

  10. Now, provide a bucket name as per the requirement. A bucket name is a virtual-hosted–style URL. It is a part of the domain name in the URL. For example http://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com.

  11. Fill the region field. A region filed is S3 buckets specific. When you create a new bucket you need to select the target region for it. For example, the region field can be US West (N. California).

  12. Now, add the directory path. It’s a location from where you can fetch the data for creating the configuration. A path is a string of characters used to uniquely identify a location in a directory structure. It is composed by following the directory tree hierarchy in which components, separated by a delimiting character, represent each directory. Provide the file name that you want

  13. Provide an appropriate file name. It is a unique name or title of a file and the extension. The name of the file can be associated with .CSV or .JSON based on the requirement.

  14. Add a file content. The file content can be associated with a list of your objects and metadata. The object can be assigned a MIME type that describes the format of the contents. You can also add a formula based on the requirements. The format can be CSV and JSON. For example: x-world/x-3dmf. 3dmf.

  15. Now, click on save to complete the configuration.

  16. After completing the configuration you can use it for your future automation.

