Fixed Width Parser


Fixed width parser converts the length of the string or a text file content into a group of key-value pairs of the fixed-width (number of characters) as per the given inputs.


After you complete the configuration for the loop task, a set of data slots gets generated for further use in the automation:

  • Records: It is the data provided by you in the automation.

Steps to configure:

  1. Drag and drop fixed width parser task in automation and click on it. The following form will appear on the right side of the screen.

  2. Add name and an appropriate description for reference.

  3. Click on the data slot button on the left, drag the desired file from the data slot list and drop it in the file input field, and click on the save button. A file input filed is a computer file that contains data that serve as input to a device or program.

  4. After clicking on the save button you will be able to configure the meta through the check button.

  5. Now, to configure meta, click on the check button. The below form will appear on the screen. Add field name, start index, number of elements, and type of data. A field name is an unique name given for the respective meta filed. A start index is the position of the first character in a nonempty string. The number of element is the filed for identifying the total meta elements use for the particular configuration. Type filed contains different type of meta data characters. For examples string, number, data, list. You can define meta as per the requirement.


  6. Now, click on the save button to successfully save the configuration.