Getting Started

Login and Sign Up

To set up the transforming journey, you first need to sign in with the credentials.

In case of any trouble, while signing up or logging in, We’re always here to help!

You can contact us here-

Sapper’s Homepage

We have created the most easy-to-use and user-friendly platform to perform tedious business tasks.
We’re allowing you to integrate functionality with ease!

A short description of the tabs available on Sapper’s homepage is given below:





Lists all the supported applications. Select one or multiple applications to view and use the available workflow.

A holistic view of what's going on in your instance and take necessary actions based on the given reports.


Lists all the automation available in the instance. You can edit, copy, delete or execute the automation from here.

Lists all the provided connections with various applications. You can manage the connections from here.

Lists all the automation's execution summary reports with the details. You can see the logs and check.